Entry Clearance applications are made from abroad through Visa Application Centres and these applications are decided by an Entry Clearance Officer.
Some refusals to issue entry clearance visas attract full right of appeal while others do not. If you are not given right of appeal, you should be able to apply for so called Entry Clearance Manager’s review when the original decision made by the Entry Clearance Office is reviewed by the manager. We sometimes advise our client to do both – to submit notice of appeal if right to appeal is given and also request Entry Clearance Manager’s review at the same time. For more information, please contact us to speak to one of our lawyers specialising in entry clearance cases.
If you are refused entry clearance with right to appeal, you can appeal against the refusal to the First-Tier Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber within 28 days of the receipt of the refusal letter.
It may be very difficult to handle appeal process which is going to be in the UK while you are abroad. We therefore advise to seek help from immigration professionals within the UK who could assist you with the appeal from inside the UK.
We provide assistance with:
- Drafting detailed grounds of appeal and submitting notice of appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal.
- Preparing detailed witness statements to be submitted to the Tribunal with other necessary documentation.
- Arranging experts to provide reports where necessary.
- Representation before the First-Tier and Upper Tribunals.